Behind the Framework

Reduce Complexities & Improve Performance

Native CSS

Samples shared, showcase lesser known and modern CSS patterns. The goal in these examples is not to create simple code everyone can understand. It's to provide robust patterns that work really well using modern methods.

Animate On Scroll

CSS only, elements are animated when the page is scrolled and they enter the viewport.

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CSS Parallax w/ Sections

Pure CSS Parallax Scroll with 3 sections using three layers of perspective. Base, Mid & Top

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CSS Counters

CSS Counters are one of those things a lot of people aren't aware of. CSS Counters are a method of controlling number values in generated content, using the counter-reset and counter-increment properties. No Javascript required.

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Clip Path & Filters

The clip-path CSS property creates a clipping region that sets what part of an element should be shown. Parts that are inside the region are shown, while those outside are hidden. The filter CSS property applies graphical effects like blur or color shift to an element. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of images, backgrounds, and borders.

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Line Clamping specifies the number of lines after which the content will be clamped and clamp() CSS function which clamps a middle value within a range of values between a defined minimum bound and a maximum bound. See below example showcasing line-clamp on a block of text and clamp() affecting the width of an element.

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ScrollSnap Carousel

Implement a simple carousel with pure HTML and CSS. OK Maybe a little JS.

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Sticky Positioning with scroll animation

CSS only, animate elements as the page is scrolled while maintaining sticky elements. Inspired by Tesla app.

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CSS Tabs

CSS-only tabs to show you don't need to adopt a whole library when creating a tab interface.

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Custom Color-Scheme

The color-scheme CSS property allows an element to indicate which color schemes it can comfortably be rendered in. In this example we explore ways to add accent colors to input elements.

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Animating Boarders - @property

CSS Border Animations using css pseudo-elements ::before and ::after. Creating a border animation in css using conic-gradients and custom propertie variables.

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:has() & :not(:has())

The functional :has() CSS pseudo-class represents an element if any of the relative selectors that are passed as an argument match at least one element when anchored against this element. This pseudo-class presents a way of selecting a parent element or a previous sibling element with respect to a reference element by taking a relative selector list as an argument.

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nth-child selectors & more

Review nth-child capabilities and why its so powerfull.

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The object-fit CSS property sets how the content of a replaced element, such as an <img> or <video>, should be resized to fit its container.

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Pseudo Content & attr()

Using attr() functions to apply values to the content property of a psedo element. The example below passes a string value through the HTML data-lable attribute. In CSS this value is applied to the content property of the :before pseudo element using the attr() function.

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